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Urban and regional planning law

Urban and regional planning law

This branch of the law covers regulations concerning the drafting, revising and applying of standards that govern land use (development plans), regulations determining conditions for constructions (urban planning regulations and guides) and rules governing administrative procedures to obtain authorisations (planning permits, single or integrated permits, subdivision or authorisation permits), as well as the effects of these authorisations.

Urban and regional planning law also covers operational urban planning, i.e., brownfield redevelopment (SAR, SRPE, etc.), operations for urban renovation and revitalisation, and protection of the patrimony, monuments and sites, as well as the necessary tools for implementation (taxation, subsidization, expropriation, etc.).

Finally, this field covers urban planning violations, namely the rules to prosecute behaviour that infringes on planning regulations, as well as the conditions for obtaining retroactive planning permission for illegal constructions.

[SAR: Sites to be Redeveloped; SRPE: Landscape and Environmental Rehabilitation Sites]